Multiply Sharpening Stones
85904000 - Sharpening Stones - GTxL Cutters
85904000 - Sharpening Stones - GTxL Cutters
Reference p/n: 85904000
Keeping your knife sharp is the key to making good cuts. Developed to work in conjunction with our multiply knives, these sharpening stones contain a uniform diamond grit to keep your knives sharp.
Depending on usage and what fabrics are being cut, best practices are to change the sharpening stones every 10 knives used. Also, for best sharpening, these should be replaced as a set.
Cross reference with Gerber's p/n 85904000 and 85904001. These stones are used on Gerber GTxL cutters.
Only Automatic Cutting Supply LLC provides you with multiple ways to purchase these stones -- from a change of 2 stones to 100's at a time.
The stones should be changed after approximately 10 knives and should be replaced as a set.