Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

Whether it's a question about your order, suggestion for a product we should carry or just want to learn more about us, please send a note and we'll get right back to you.


We are an online marketplace shipping out of Connecticut, USA.


Automatic Cutter Supply LLC


Phone/Text: 860-612-8588

24 Riggs Avenue
West Hartford, CT, 06107
United States


Specializing in the automatic cutter industry, bringing everything you need to keep your cutter running strong and making great product.

Contact Us


Contact Us

Please use the form below to drop us a note - whether it’s a product that we need to carry, an idea for a new design or a problem with your order, we’re here to help.

Please complete the form below

The best way to reach us is via email:

You can also call/text Michael Burns (Sales Manager) at 860-612-8588.

For international customers, we also use WhatsApp at +1 860 612 8588.

Automatic Cutter Supply LLC does not share any customer data. This information is solely used by the company to communicate and record our customers’ preferences.